Friday, November 28, 2008

Another BIG and CUTE surprise!!

John and I Cannot get over how cute our kids are!! they are the perfect mix, wouldnt you say?
... thanks
Last week I decided to take a pregnancy test after waiting for 2 weeks for my period to come and some pregnancy signs/symptoms. The result:

we are pRegNaNt!
We've been married for 3 1/2 years and are expecting our 3rd child!! I am so excited and so is John. I do not know exactly how far along I am but I get to see the doctor on tues and let you know for sure how things are going.
We were serious about having 6 kids people and I so wanna be done before Im 30.
A friend of mine said to me: why are you telling people you are pregnant? what if something happens? my answer: I will let you know as well, I am not affraid of telling people the truth.
Wish us luck!!
Oh.. Happy Thanksgiving btw... I had an awesome black friday ;)


Heather said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Wahoo. You're made to have kids that's for sure! I'm really happy for you guys...and YES, you make adorable babies!!

The Carroll's said...

Felicidades!!!!! otra vez! pero como siempre me dejas guindada en el chat...nunca me respondistes como van los sintomas? como te sientes?? todavia estoy esperando, pero bueno, buena suerte y me imagino que tu mama debe estar feliz que ya estas con ella otra vez. No te vayas sin despedirte.

Ashley said...

Where did you go shopping on black friday? I was at Kohls at 4 am when they opened the doors.

The Gwilliam's said...

That is so exciting! So when do you find out how far along you are??