Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Baby News!!

How do I even start?

Well, I started having contractions at week 22ish, high blood pressure and all the fun stuff. Doctor put me on some medicine to help with those things and I had been doing better since then.

Monday June 1st I had my "last ultrasound" and the doctor gave me some GREAT news...

ready for this?

Baby position: Breech!! which means he is coming feet first and Im in BIG trouble.
Also, my due date was moved to July 19th which Im so glad it got moved a week earlier even though Im still HOPING he'll come earlier than that; the Doctor said if my baby has turned by then he'll just induce me (on the 19) like he did with Nicolette or Ill just go in for a C SECTION!! what kind of joke is that??
Im pretty scared to have one since after having two normal births I know what is like to be able to drive, jump, run, clean, cook, etc 24 hrs after the baby is born!

Wish us luck and hope with me my baby will freaking turn and come head first!
The good thing: I know when Ill be seeing my baby for the first time and cant wait to give him big hugs!!


Heather said...

Oh man... good luck! I hope he turns for you. That's exciting you have a set due date now!

Kelsey Bendixen said...

Its getting so close!! Thats exciting. . I hope he moves for you too! When I was pregnant Paizley was breech too, she eventually turned and I never used this website but someone told me it works! Its so if you have the time (like you have any extra time chasing your 2 kiddos around!) you might wanna check it out. Good luck!