Sorry It was such a LONG post.. Ill try to get better at blogging but sometimes its almost impossible with 3 kids going wild all at once. October was a very busy month that we all loved, well, John not so much. Thanks gramma n papa for coming to visit =D
I am really sad to see him grow so fast, I need him to stay little so I can always have a cute, cuddly baby. Luv ya bud, you're my little boyfriend.I should've start with the pic on top first but 3 kids dont really let me concentrate ;)
We have been going to the Spanish ward now for about 3 ish months and I am LoViNg it!! Love the culture and the good friends I've made so far. I texted everyone, got together and headed out for some dinner and a nice chat. Thanks Girls for being so good to me... I will be texting you soon again ;)
Here are a few Newborn pics of Joey and also some of Dominic and Nicolette. I haven't had a chance to send the Birth announcements out (how sad is that) but I for sure will send them this week so let me know if u want to be getting one =D
We've had a busy summer! even though I was pregnant till the middle of July as soon as they got Joey out I was able to finally enjoy the warm weather and take the kids to lots of places =DCan I just say how spoiled we are? Thank you baby for working so hard so your shopaholic wife and crazy kids and go out and do fun stuff.. we love you lots.
John and I have been married since April of 2005. Got sealed down in the Hermosillo Mexico temple and have 3 kids ages 3 and under.
Loving life as a family!!